Two Quarter peals for the Hook Norton ringers

The first in January was rung at Steeple Aston to mark the 60th anniversary of Sir Winston Churchill’s death and the second in February to celebrate Banbury branch’s centenary.


They had two notable firsts for our deputy branch ringing master, Dan Austin,  conducting Stedman triples and surprise major.


St Peter and St Paul
Friday, 21 February 2025 in 44m (12–2–16 in F)
1250 Lincolnshire Surprise Major
1Selina J Harris
2Sally A Austin
3David M Salter
4Michael J Austin
5Rosemary K Hemmings
6Graham J Clifton
7Jonathan E Muller
8Daniel J Austin (C)
For Banbury Branch (ODG) centenary.
First Surprise Major as Conductor – 8
St Peter
Friday, 24 January 2025 in 45m (20–2–13 in E)
1260 Stedman Triples
1Sally A Austin
2Rosemary K Hemmings
3Nicholas K Allsopp
4Harry S Gibson
5David M Salter
6Graham J Clifton
7Daniel J Austin (C)
8Michael J Austin
Rung to mark the 60th anniversary of Sir Winston Churchill’s death.
First Stedman Triples as Conductor 7.